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For early career researchers just getting started with research.
3 Active Reviews
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Industry Leading Duplicates Detection
Workbench with 15+ facets and filter
AI-powered Relevance Ratings
Standard Support
For researchers who want more tools for faster and more efficient research
Everything in Free, plus:
Unlimited Active Reviews
PRISMA Flow Diagram Generator
Auto Resolve Duplicates
PICO Highlighting & Filtering
Relevance Rating Filters
Multi-Select & Bulk Actions
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Mobile App Access
Programmable Keyboard Shortcuts
Dark Theme
Priority Support
For currently enrolled students with valid student ID who want more tools to accelerate their research.
Everything in Free, plus:
PRISMA Flow Diagram Generator
Auto Resolve Duplicates
PICO Highlighting & Filtering
Relevance Rating Filters
Multi-Select & Bulk Actions
Create Randomized Samples
Mobile App Access
Programmable Keyboard Shortcuts
Dark Theme
Standard Support
When you cancel your subscription, your data will remain secure and accessible. However, you will lose access to premium features such as PICO filters, the Systematic Auto-Resolver, and the PRISMA diagram, among others. If you have more than three active reviews, your reviews will be switched to "read-only" mode until you archive or delete the extra reviews.
Rayyan subscriptions are set to auto-renew at the end of each billing cycle to ensure uninterrupted access to all features. If your subscription is not canceled, we will send you a reminder 5 days before the renewal date, along with clear instructions on how to cancel if you choose to do so.
If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our sales team. We're here to support you every step of the way!
Save up to 40% by choosing an Annual Plan
For early career researchers just getting started with research.
3 Active Reviews
Invite Unlimited Reviewers
Industry Leading Duplicates Detection
Workbench with 15+ facets and filter
AI-powered Relevance Ratings
Standard Support
For researchers who want more tools for faster and more efficient research
Everything in Free, plus:
Unlimited Active Reviews
PRISMA Flow Diagram Generator
Auto Resolve Duplicates
PICO Highlighting & Filtering
Relevance Rating Filters
Multi-Select & Bulk Actions
Create Randomized Samples
Mobile App Access
Programmable Keyboard Shortcuts
Dark Theme
Priority Support
For currently enrolled students with valid student ID who want more tools to accelerate their research.
Everything in Free, plus:
PRISMA Flow Diagram Generator
Auto Resolve Duplicates
PICO Highlighting & Filtering
Relevance Rating Filters
Multi-Select & Bulk Actions
Create Randomized Samples
Mobile App Access
Programmable Keyboard Shortcuts
Dark Theme
Standard Support
When you cancel your subscription, your data will remain secure and accessible. However, you will lose access to premium features such as PICO filters, the Systematic Auto-Resolver, and the PRISMA diagram, among others. If you have more than three active reviews, your reviews will be switched to "read-only" mode until you archive or delete the extra reviews.
Rayyan subscriptions are set to auto-renew at the end of each billing cycle to ensure uninterrupted access to all features. If your subscription is not canceled, we will send you a reminder 5 days before the renewal date, along with clear instructions on how to cancel if you choose to do so.
If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our sales team. We're here to support you every step of the way!
For teams that want High Priority Support and advanced management for its Reviews.
Everything in Professional Individual, plus:
Larger teams or organizations that need advanced review management and top-tier support
Everything in a Pro Team Plus:
For research organizations serious about supporting research and researchers.
When you cancel your subscription, your data will remain secure and accessible. However, you will lose access to premium features such as PICO filters, the Systematic Auto-Resolver, and the PRISMA diagram, among others. If you have more than three active reviews, your reviews will be switched to "read-only" mode until you archive or delete the extra reviews.
Rayyan subscriptions are set to auto-renew at the end of each billing cycle to ensure uninterrupted access to all features. If your subscription is not canceled, we will send you a reminder 5 days before the renewal date, along with clear instructions on how to cancel if you choose to do so.
If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our sales team. We're here to support you every step of the way!